The actual work experience of this program eventually places the leader into a Director role in the CFAWAX organization, where they perform daily operational tasks, managerial functions and impact our team members through their leadership and influence. Program participants will have the opportunity to experience many areas of the business through a rotation process.  During each rotation you will be receiving vision casting, coaching, metrics to gauge progress, problem solving challenges, developing others along with recruiting and raising up talent. The timeline by which you go through this process cannot be rushed but will depend on proficiency in each area and based on the timing and the different seasons of this very cyclical business. This is not designed or intended to be easy or moderately demanding. You are working toward attaining an opportunity that 25,000+ people apply for every year and only 100 or so achieve. Is it possible? Absolutely! However you cannot walk into this process with anything other than a willingness to as we say in sports, “leave it ALL out on the field”. No, there are never any guarantees in this arena but for those who are willing to check their ego at the door, adopt a [how can I help?] attitude and absorb the idea that great leaders know, ITS NOT ABOUT THEM, great things will happen one way or another.